XMMS stops after every song
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11/18/2011 - Linux 

XMMS stops after every song

If you setup a playlist and found that XMMS only plays a single song and then stops, there is a solution.

After upgrading my pretty much vanilla installation to Fedora 16, I ran across this exact problem.

There are 2 things I needed, to correct the underlying issue.

Fix #1 - Make sure 'No Playlist Advance' feature is disabled.

- Right click on the XMMS main window.
- Look under "Options" menu
- You should see a 'No Playlist Advance' option there
- Make sure the 'No Playlist Advance' ption is not checked
(* NOTE: You can also toggle this option via CTRL+N)

Fix #2 - Ensure you are using the XMMS PulseAudio plugin.

Here is what you want to do:
- Right click on the XMMS main window.
- Look under "Options" menu & click on "Preferences"
(* NOTE: You can also pop-up the Preferences window via CTRL+P)
- Under the "Audio I/O Plugins" tab, look at the "Output Plugin" section
- Select the "PulseAudio Output Plugin [libmms-pulse.so]" option
- Click on the "Apply" button,. then the "Ok" button.

If you don't have the XMMS PulseAudio installed, close XMMS & follow these steps.
- Install the ATrpms repo (http://www.atrpms.net), if have not done so already.
- as root, run this command:   yum install xmms-pulse
- then try fix #2 again.

At this point everything should work fine...  It took me a few tries before fix #1 finally applied correctly, but it did work in the end using Fedora 16 & XMMS v1.2.11 (at time of this write-up).

From my research it appears this fix should work with other versions of Fedora/Linux which uses PulseAudio & has XMMS v1.2.x.  Just make sure you install that necessary XMMS plugin from whatever repo your distro uses.

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