Posted on 07/04/2012
In this installment of our Linux package management basics tutorial, we will be covering how to remove packages from your specific system. This will teach you the different ways to uninstall packages that you no longer need.
Posted on 07/04/2012
In this installment of our Linux package management basics tutorial, we will be covering several slightly advanced package management abilities . This will teach you some additional ways to manage your system, once you have the basics under your belt.
Posted on 07/03/2012
In this day and age, Linux package management has become much easier. But for those just starting with Linux, it may initially appear to be a daunting task to effectively manage your system's packages (i.e. installed applications). For those users running Fedora or CentOS Linux, this tutorial should help you quickly and effectively master the basics. For the most part, we will guide you through how to use the 'yum' and 'rpm' commands to accomplish this task. After the basics are covered, we will expand into a few advanced package management commands that you may also find useful.
Posted on 07/03/2012
In this installment of our Linux package management basics tutorial, we will be covering the listing of available packages. This will teach you how see what packages (i.e. applications) are available & can select from.
Posted on 07/03/2012
In this installment of our Linux package management basics tutorial, we will be covering searching for & obtaining descriptions about packages. This will teach you how to find a given package or application, if you don't know the package name. It will also teach you how to see a small description about what the package does or what it's intended to be used with.
Posted on 07/03/2012
In this installment of our Linux package management basics tutorial, we will be covering how to install packages to your system. This will teach you how to install the packages & applications you located from our previous steps. We will also cover how to install packages you downloaded from other places.
Posted on 08/06/2011
The following Perl code is an example of how you can send emails from a CGI script through your SMTP mail server. (Remember to escape special characters you set in the mail hash) #!/usr/bin/perl require 5.001; $|=0; use N...